Tuesday, February 24, 2015

update on nuclear winter

xWe looked into the phenomenon concerning time and this is what  we found:

we are seeing the real sun.  There were blue spot lights that usually go on earlier and later in the evening, other spot lights go on during the day to extend and add light to things.
The spot lights aim up and they have been dismantalled.
They were safe and did not alter vision.
It takes four months accoprding to drahat to have the dust and particular matter fall to the ground.
The radiated areas are under tarps. Led lined.
Iratha or the new system of counting rads ( radiation absorption degree is normal
Things were worse before
We are looking into what is causing the perception of time passing faster, that it takes hours to watch a nour and a half film was true
However upon closer examination after the system removed odd devices time seems to have returned to normal. Whatever was teh cause its done.
It takes 8 months for the next system to upgrade

ps teh cold is caused by those trying to make it look normal, they use to think radiation makes teh world warm and they wanted to fight it, though unnecessary and stactically needed to get rid of whatever enemies try to live rogue outside of our civil state, the cold is truly not the natural norm and it is not caused by teh nuclear winter other than teh fact that the excess dust now almost all down, give it to may, did cause a monor heat diference and lots of clouds, as cold as it might be during teh cloudy days of a big vulcano, the enviroment is turning back to normal, so season tempts will return
this is teh coldest iy has ever been in history and it was human made not natural

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