Wednesday, February 4, 2015

iliad book one opening after thought

The analysis of the iliad is going weell.
It is turning out from teh get go to be a very interesting, it seems after Hercules and Theseus, the Greeks needed to upgrade and become more virtuous and not hipocrits to be able to act in a fashion becoming of world conquerors, its not sacking cities but marriages by consent and propriety that led to the next great age of Greece, the council of the Greeks were correct in their resole of the dilemma of Achilles and Agamemnon, they might have said something like " we Greeks do not steal women nor sack cities without right of war.  the last saidinvasion or attempt to sack was the phrygian in the oddessy.  Thus the iliad is a transition from a more barbric time and behaviour to teh virtuous behaviour the Greeks are renowned for, the type of behaviours that made Alexander the great great.  Thus all this occurred with a necessity for upgrade and Achilles beseechment of the Gods led to a plan to wash the face of eth Greeks and sent the entire body to reform and upgrade them, and it works and made them great.  Sometimes one has to suffer something oneself before one realises they should not do it to others, l8ike stealing something, those who like Achilles learned his lesson become great those who try to be greater thieves than those stealing from them arte pety and fail being great.
The analysis should be quite interesting
till next week

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