Friday, February 20, 2015

Iliad book one: Sovereign change

Achilles' wrath, to Greece the direful spring
Of woes unnumber'd, heavenly goddess, sing!
That wrath which hurl'd to Pluto's gloomy reign
The souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain;
[pg 002]
Whose limbs unburied on the naked shore,
Devouring dogs and hungry vultures tore.41
Since great Achilles and Atrides strove,
Such was the sovereign doom, and such the will of Jove!42

Here we are given achielis family name Atridis
Which is also the name of paul atredis in dune which seems inspured by the idea of doom.  Is atredis as dune says the last name or another person?
The perils of ancient Greece were ensued as treh wrath of achielis, it was Achielis that caused the ills that had befallen GREECE.  The wrath of god and goddesses.  There is praise Goddess sing that these woes are innumerable.  The ills are telmultious and seen as deserved.  It may be that the woes are seen as desired and deserved based on ahindsite that makes the after math and the grace it brought seem to necessitate the woes to occur.
Praise the woes of former Canada and the ills that befell all, praise Godthit for it brought us kenevia that now rules former Greenland as a new provath, Iceland and so on to the alucians ) now all formered_, these woes led to the change of being great in ways Canada could seed as us but was not us. 
These woes in ancient Greece caused the execution of chiefs that had to go to let Greece grow to the greatness it achieved after the Trojan war.
For on the shores their limbs were torn, all their powers from, shore to shore was riped asunder and the dogs devoured them, from epipus antigone, the dogs devouring the arms means they were not blessed chiefs but fell to the lowest level of ridicule, scorn and hatred.  ( recall edipus will be a later text we will look at all three  texts in the epic trilogy) The arms were buried as if they were part of the land they had power and command over, now these chiefs have been disempowered.  The hungry birds that devour what is already dead feasted on tehse powers and their arms like armies.  They were picked apart by those who flew around them.  The will of Jove or God/Godthit was to have such things occur as the strivings and deeds of Achielis and Atredis.  Their strivings changed the political face of their ancient Greece/

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