Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Iliad book one: letona's children

from :http://www.gutenberg.org/files/6130/6130-h/6130-h.html#toc5

Declare, O Muse! in what ill-fated hour43
Sprung the fierce strife, from what offended power
Latona's son a dire contagion spread,44
And heap'd the camp with mountains of the dead;
The king of men his reverent priest defied,45
And for the king's offence the people died.

Note : to the ancients not burying bodies is considered a desecration of the dead.

Who was Latona?
Latona was the second generation of Titan gods and was revered as the goddess of motherhood and modesty by the Romans. She was one of the extraordinary number of gods and goddesses worshipped by the Ancient Greeks. The Titans were the descendents of the first  gods or divinities, called the primordial or primeval gods, who were born out of Chaos. The legend and myth about the Roman goddess of motherhood and modesty,  and the Titans has been passed down through the ages and plays an important role in the history of the Ancient World and the study of the classics.
the muses who inspire declare teh fates of those involved ill if not of the divine mothering of the Letona’s muse of the new. Here son and teh new divinities are shaping a new world based on the offspring of eth good.  The campaign is to change teh past into the new future.
Latona's son: i.e. Apollo.
Thus Apollo the god of light and enlightenment is the spreader of eth campaign of change. It is the light of the dawning sun that brings force to the change.
For many died to bring this dawn and many more to bring the new sun full up and thus start a new day and epoch in ancient Greece.
The old royal system is defiled As are its kings and priests, both the authority political and reliyethic (religious) has changed.  The offenses against people and Gods have led to both these rulers and their people to die, many HAVE DIED INCLUDING THOSE WHO GOT TRAPPED IN TEH FAILING IDEAS OF ETH PAST TEHSE RULERS REPRESENT.

Letona’s children are the new born and the ones bring change, motherhood and parenthood survives with the people who wanted change and not with those who promoted the corrupt old system, they died with the thieves and bad people who tried ruling the system using the old corrupt system.  No one promoting teh old survives the change to a new system minus the corrupt esp when founded on the idea of reforming the system to profit everyone where the old system failed.

We who caused the change are the children of Letona and those who perished trying to reinstall the old decayed corrupt system, pre war , are the mountains of dead who failed to realise that reform and the new was desired and no return to the dismal, bankrupt state of affairs prior to the war.
till next week.

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