Friday, February 20, 2015

time and seasons post war

It turbns out the reason time seems to be going fast is this:
the nuclear or atomic clock was dismantaled and used as fisionable material for bombs during teh war, no radioactive material remains anywhere, it was created near teh begining of time aqnd conditions do not allow for it to return.
we are using quartz timers including those who make teh sun rise when too much dust and ash is in the high low orbital atmosphere, 4 to 8 years to clear up, closer to three with us doing things like vacuuming that part of the atm,osphere, its like a Vulcano going off less light, well here no light, we have a SYUSTEM OF SUNLIGHT THAT GIVES YOU VITAMINS AND LEST ALL THINGS GROW AS USUAL.
WELL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT PLACVES HAVE BEEN NUKED, OUTSIDE OF FOMRER OAKVIL, JUST SARF( NORTH) three vilages are gone, alot of china is ashes, middle east africa, evrin( europe, like teh americas suffered some pot shots,Godthit would have had them not go off but people needed to beleive such a war occured and these are the things they expected to suffer, we are safe, the led canvess covered effected areas.
we are going through quarter days, gasses are being used to mimic teh seasons.
some devices set up by people in 2011 are emiting energies liek electricity causing the quartz timers to pulse fast, faster that ordinary electricity and as you know the pulse is what is measured to calibrae a second or teh time, we are working to remive them, teh winter and fake snow, everything from yogart, which is it rots is dangerous, like 1974, to cheese salts to feathers were set up in the zatha (summer) 2011 by idiots who did not know we do not suffer winters like this one, som,e live they were trying to make it look normal and avoid mass histeruia.
\since Vulcanos have gone off and we have augmented the seasons with emergebcy systems like the one's being used now , as we did in 1988, 2001-2002 we are safe and moving forward with peacetime clean up and upgrades to teh new system,
it rules
praise Godthit, the someone , somebody and all the gothittters ( since only godthitters remain anywhre cosmically) , that is all of you , for helping in what ever way you do!!!
just do your best , finish scholi and enjoy the upgrade to betterness

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