Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A new edycared norm

I was trying to post yesterday and fully catch yp but as I finished the next post on the iliad the comp reset
42 percent of the people who survived have finished atleast three years of unidiversity/coyote through teh unified name of multyidiversity- they are now under teh new covent
38 percent, there and about are children
32 percent have upgraded to year 6, grade 25 grada level studies ( undergrad)
the percentage of people in school is equal to the average number in the 90's
system suceess accomplished
things  are returning to a new normal.
The elementary  upgrasde is finished so is teh hafef ( highschool) upgrade is fully done, all people cosmically have atleast grade 19 ( old 13 done) and are in university studies, in fact all have atleast finished teh first year study course so all adults are atleast unidiversity ( some university/college) educated.
In three to years all will have their brethet( old ba) at least three years all will be in second year grade 21 by zatha* summer( 5 courses plus).
All good onwards

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