Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Iliad book one: letona's children

from :http://www.gutenberg.org/files/6130/6130-h/6130-h.html#toc5

Declare, O Muse! in what ill-fated hour43
Sprung the fierce strife, from what offended power
Latona's son a dire contagion spread,44
And heap'd the camp with mountains of the dead;
The king of men his reverent priest defied,45
And for the king's offence the people died.

Note : to the ancients not burying bodies is considered a desecration of the dead.

Who was Latona?
Latona was the second generation of Titan gods and was revered as the goddess of motherhood and modesty by the Romans. She was one of the extraordinary number of gods and goddesses worshipped by the Ancient Greeks. The Titans were the descendents of the first  gods or divinities, called the primordial or primeval gods, who were born out of Chaos. The legend and myth about the Roman goddess of motherhood and modesty,  and the Titans has been passed down through the ages and plays an important role in the history of the Ancient World and the study of the classics.
the muses who inspire declare teh fates of those involved ill if not of the divine mothering of the Letona’s muse of the new. Here son and teh new divinities are shaping a new world based on the offspring of eth good.  The campaign is to change teh past into the new future.
Latona's son: i.e. Apollo.
Thus Apollo the god of light and enlightenment is the spreader of eth campaign of change. It is the light of the dawning sun that brings force to the change.
For many died to bring this dawn and many more to bring the new sun full up and thus start a new day and epoch in ancient Greece.
The old royal system is defiled As are its kings and priests, both the authority political and reliyethic (religious) has changed.  The offenses against people and Gods have led to both these rulers and their people to die, many HAVE DIED INCLUDING THOSE WHO GOT TRAPPED IN TEH FAILING IDEAS OF ETH PAST TEHSE RULERS REPRESENT.

Letona’s children are the new born and the ones bring change, motherhood and parenthood survives with the people who wanted change and not with those who promoted the corrupt old system, they died with the thieves and bad people who tried ruling the system using the old corrupt system.  No one promoting teh old survives the change to a new system minus the corrupt esp when founded on the idea of reforming the system to profit everyone where the old system failed.

We who caused the change are the children of Letona and those who perished trying to reinstall the old decayed corrupt system, pre war , are the mountains of dead who failed to realise that reform and the new was desired and no return to the dismal, bankrupt state of affairs prior to the war.
till next week.

update on nuclear winter

xWe looked into the phenomenon concerning time and this is what  we found:

we are seeing the real sun.  There were blue spot lights that usually go on earlier and later in the evening, other spot lights go on during the day to extend and add light to things.
The spot lights aim up and they have been dismantalled.
They were safe and did not alter vision.
It takes four months accoprding to drahat to have the dust and particular matter fall to the ground.
The radiated areas are under tarps. Led lined.
Iratha or the new system of counting rads ( radiation absorption degree is normal
Things were worse before
We are looking into what is causing the perception of time passing faster, that it takes hours to watch a nour and a half film was true
However upon closer examination after the system removed odd devices time seems to have returned to normal. Whatever was teh cause its done.
It takes 8 months for the next system to upgrade

ps teh cold is caused by those trying to make it look normal, they use to think radiation makes teh world warm and they wanted to fight it, though unnecessary and stactically needed to get rid of whatever enemies try to live rogue outside of our civil state, the cold is truly not the natural norm and it is not caused by teh nuclear winter other than teh fact that the excess dust now almost all down, give it to may, did cause a monor heat diference and lots of clouds, as cold as it might be during teh cloudy days of a big vulcano, the enviroment is turning back to normal, so season tempts will return
this is teh coldest iy has ever been in history and it was human made not natural

Friday, February 20, 2015

TV reception digital antenna news

the old analog TV system went down, old 64 computer took over , st up around 1964 and before.
19 stations
digital antenna clear tv is available now, look it up
\Gov antena
all stations get converter box from Source otr somewhere with 8000-1000 stations hook untenna up get all stations
new gov law isd all braodcastes must be digital and over all air waves
old payment for cable or tv Gone
better than cable and satelite
trust us
Giv antennas no others existr
loving it

time and seasons post war

It turbns out the reason time seems to be going fast is this:
the nuclear or atomic clock was dismantaled and used as fisionable material for bombs during teh war, no radioactive material remains anywhere, it was created near teh begining of time aqnd conditions do not allow for it to return.
we are using quartz timers including those who make teh sun rise when too much dust and ash is in the high low orbital atmosphere, 4 to 8 years to clear up, closer to three with us doing things like vacuuming that part of the atm,osphere, its like a Vulcano going off less light, well here no light, we have a SYUSTEM OF SUNLIGHT THAT GIVES YOU VITAMINS AND LEST ALL THINGS GROW AS USUAL.
WELL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT PLACVES HAVE BEEN NUKED, OUTSIDE OF FOMRER OAKVIL, JUST SARF( NORTH) three vilages are gone, alot of china is ashes, middle east africa, evrin( europe, like teh americas suffered some pot shots,Godthit would have had them not go off but people needed to beleive such a war occured and these are the things they expected to suffer, we are safe, the led canvess covered effected areas.
we are going through quarter days, gasses are being used to mimic teh seasons.
some devices set up by people in 2011 are emiting energies liek electricity causing the quartz timers to pulse fast, faster that ordinary electricity and as you know the pulse is what is measured to calibrae a second or teh time, we are working to remive them, teh winter and fake snow, everything from yogart, which is it rots is dangerous, like 1974, to cheese salts to feathers were set up in the zatha (summer) 2011 by idiots who did not know we do not suffer winters like this one, som,e live they were trying to make it look normal and avoid mass histeruia.
\since Vulcanos have gone off and we have augmented the seasons with emergebcy systems like the one's being used now , as we did in 1988, 2001-2002 we are safe and moving forward with peacetime clean up and upgrades to teh new system,
it rules
praise Godthit, the someone , somebody and all the gothittters ( since only godthitters remain anywhre cosmically) , that is all of you , for helping in what ever way you do!!!
just do your best , finish scholi and enjoy the upgrade to betterness

Iliad book one: Sovereign change

Achilles' wrath, to Greece the direful spring
Of woes unnumber'd, heavenly goddess, sing!
That wrath which hurl'd to Pluto's gloomy reign
The souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain;
[pg 002]
Whose limbs unburied on the naked shore,
Devouring dogs and hungry vultures tore.41
Since great Achilles and Atrides strove,
Such was the sovereign doom, and such the will of Jove!42

Here we are given achielis family name Atridis
Which is also the name of paul atredis in dune which seems inspured by the idea of doom.  Is atredis as dune says the last name or another person?
The perils of ancient Greece were ensued as treh wrath of achielis, it was Achielis that caused the ills that had befallen GREECE.  The wrath of god and goddesses.  There is praise Goddess sing that these woes are innumerable.  The ills are telmultious and seen as deserved.  It may be that the woes are seen as desired and deserved based on ahindsite that makes the after math and the grace it brought seem to necessitate the woes to occur.
Praise the woes of former Canada and the ills that befell all, praise Godthit for it brought us kenevia that now rules former Greenland as a new provath, Iceland and so on to the alucians ) now all formered_, these woes led to the change of being great in ways Canada could seed as us but was not us. 
These woes in ancient Greece caused the execution of chiefs that had to go to let Greece grow to the greatness it achieved after the Trojan war.
For on the shores their limbs were torn, all their powers from, shore to shore was riped asunder and the dogs devoured them, from epipus antigone, the dogs devouring the arms means they were not blessed chiefs but fell to the lowest level of ridicule, scorn and hatred.  ( recall edipus will be a later text we will look at all three  texts in the epic trilogy) The arms were buried as if they were part of the land they had power and command over, now these chiefs have been disempowered.  The hungry birds that devour what is already dead feasted on tehse powers and their arms like armies.  They were picked apart by those who flew around them.  The will of Jove or God/Godthit was to have such things occur as the strivings and deeds of Achielis and Atredis.  Their strivings changed the political face of their ancient Greece/

Thursday, February 12, 2015

iliad book one reconciliation divine

The time of two-and-twenty days is taken up in this book: nine during the plague, one in the council and quarrel of the princes, and twelve for Jupiter's stay with the Æthiopians, at whose return Thetis prefers her petition. The scene lies in the Grecian camp, then changes to Chrysa, and lastly to Olympus.

Chrysa means gold, Achilles and Agamemnon were not to be conquerors of gold, but the misunderstanding is over whether a wedding should have occurred and whether everyone involved was aware of these decisions.

It takes two and twenty years, which is 80 years in total, to complete this phase of eth iliad.
In this temporal breakdown, out of the 80 years : thirty were  plague, 5 was council and arguments between princess concerning what to do ; the rest divine process.  The stay with the Æthiopians, high end thoughts( inscense when you think wisely create such thoughts, so does normal states of mind if you use your mind to produce such thoughts).  The  Ã†thiopians all had different perspectives in thought s, though thetis was happier with her position and saw it as correct: the placement preferred its position.  From the garden camp to chrysa which was from ashenmatha, which might be just south (narf)of former Rome, is the first move up the latter of enlightenment asked for by thetis.So even high end thoughts led idea petitioned based on position to accord to its original take and position.  The garden leads to gold and the gold shines on all from mount Olympus, the top of this ascension of ideas to produce peace and a new people latter called Odysseus Greeks: reconciled into one people, but the course is tragic and Trojan.

O;oad book 1 God's address

from : http://www.gutenberg.org/files/6130/6130-pdf.pdf

Achilles in discontent withdraws himself and his forces from the rest of the Greeks; and complaining to Thetis, she supplicates Jupiter to render them sensible of the wrong done to her son, by giving victory to the Trojans. Jupiter, granting her suit, incenses Juno: between whom the debate runs high, till they are reconciled by the address of Vulcan.

It seems that the Greeks who were faithful to Thetis who is Minerva went to war with those of the faiths of juno.  A petition through Thetisa had Hera, who is juno, to have Vulcan address a reconciliation.
Juno gets high to reach the arguement that runs high as the incenses allows Vulcan to address them, of fire and smelting, of metal.  Insence are symbolic rise of enlightenment through teh holy commune, which is a personal  interaction with teh divine godhead of Godthit.
If you examine this passage concerning the gods as if it were a myth to explain the situation that starts the iliad you realise that judgement favoured placement and consequently internal order gets high divinely enough to understand and thus addresses the situation with fire, full of the energy of the debate.  the address of fire is the reconciliation to appease the offspring of placement, the offspring being happiness as in hope,  by the justice of enlightenment and the smoke and fires that cause it to become as much a reconciliation as a recompense.

gorward motions

it seems that although the war was fought undernieth, down below, off teh plain of terran zero, meaning they had fallen and fought and time went faster there and teh doors closed on them aug 9m thier 2028, ours based on on a few games like atleast two daylight savings last year you might know that we rest our days according to a one month, phasseth shift forward, they try to make it cold in nineneth, septemberm to allow people to go to school, look it should not feel like oct or teneth or decanethm when school is just starting. we are still going through old war time attempts to male people feel normal by creating fake snow.
thus onwards
we are picking up teh peives off the old world to see what the hell they awere doing to complete the the transition to teh new world. Gorinstance the new buearocrates are picking tje peoces by ffiguring out how teh computer system works to transfer everything forward.
all in due dilihence and proper speed.
looking good

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

iliad book one opening after thought

The analysis of the iliad is going weell.
It is turning out from teh get go to be a very interesting, it seems after Hercules and Theseus, the Greeks needed to upgrade and become more virtuous and not hipocrits to be able to act in a fashion becoming of world conquerors, its not sacking cities but marriages by consent and propriety that led to the next great age of Greece, the council of the Greeks were correct in their resole of the dilemma of Achilles and Agamemnon, they might have said something like " we Greeks do not steal women nor sack cities without right of war.  the last saidinvasion or attempt to sack was the phrygian in the oddessy.  Thus the iliad is a transition from a more barbric time and behaviour to teh virtuous behaviour the Greeks are renowned for, the type of behaviours that made Alexander the great great.  Thus all this occurred with a necessity for upgrade and Achilles beseechment of the Gods led to a plan to wash the face of eth Greeks and sent the entire body to reform and upgrade them, and it works and made them great.  Sometimes one has to suffer something oneself before one realises they should not do it to others, l8ike stealing something, those who like Achilles learned his lesson become great those who try to be greater thieves than those stealing from them arte pety and fail being great.
The analysis should be quite interesting
till next week