Wednesday, July 24, 2013

more on seventh seal

So the seventh seal is broken, the divine made sure we spent enough time on the right planet to allow us to spead through the war. yes we will catch up with the time later but synchronise time for many of if , esp the good is july 2013 end of. all extra days for policery, july 28 tuesday , monday, sunday of the same numbver all retracted, done anyone who did not learn during the sealing phase, the god approve of the last seal, approved get sealed, pke 7 and a submission to the divine through the someone a single bind to be free of all evil, no wayty to do any bad or screw upm now you fuck up you are erased from existance , never exusted and then the seal closes it, they wanted it that way, infidels and disbelievers, gappens every great seal, christ eliminated 7 groups us, billions ;ast time pure victory to the coven of god never attack thinking you would rather be erased than admit we like the someone are not gods. true death reoccuring [roblem resserections claim who no legacy nothing left behoimd all thier systems do not exist pure victory praise godtha smile scum never exisred admending istology wiping them out forever permenant [eace this is this weekends posts/

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