Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pegasus in concordance

More Triumphs Iobates was still determined to do in his guest, so he now sent him to fight a fearsome neighboring tribe. When the hero won the fray with the help of Pegasus, Iobates forthwith dispatched him to fight the Amazons. And when these women warriors proved no match for the divinely aided Bellerophon, Iobates desperately laid a trap, sending his best soldiers to ambush the hero on his way home. They failed of course, so Iobates finally gave in to the inevitable, giving Bellerophon half his kingdom and his daughter's hand in marriage. if one notices the chimera was sprung through out the kabds between kydia and corinth, thus these lands were of the social structure of the chimera. the ruler Iobates still bent on eliminating the old life of the hero and raise him to the new status of a new epoch bring sent him to take care of tribes and systems adjacent to the lands of the chimera he was ckleaning. once again bellerophone triumphants and is sent to fight the amazons, he like all greats who unify all the peoples of thier time fought the amazons, proving he had reached the shores of the americas. the unity with the female worriors was easy and then Iobates pitted the hero against the best within the kinhgom to prove truly he was the best. the trap was the test competing of said demestic worriors. So the hero rose to ruler having half the kingdom and the marriage to the daughter that was to reinforce it and concrete the alliance and new conquerance.

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