Monday, July 1, 2013

Bellerophon strategising chimera

The Campaign Iobates was hoping to make good on his son-in-law's request to do away with Bellerophon, and he had hit upon the Chimaera as the ideal agent in expediting his young guest's demise. And while one might think that he would have made little of the Chimaera's dangers in order to instill a false sense of security, Iobates had sized up Bellerophon and deduced that he was a sucker for a challenge - the bigger the better. And in fact Bellerophon was pleased at the opportunity to elevate himself from mere postal-delivery person to authentic hero. He immediately began to plan his campaign of attack. Iobates wishing to ensure the demise of the young hero as he had hit on his son in laws wife as the ideal agent, the ideal agent that would help him rise in statue from commoner capable of dilevering mail or working in a field, to a herp, for he was rising and this feat would lead him to greatness and teh demise of his old self. The ehro was excited and took instantly to strategising about what he would do to rid teh city of teh chimera, the kuz Iobates barely refered to the dangers the chimera might pose, though he might be aware of some of teh dangers, the character of these entrenched, elete reinforced, parts of teh city repressented by the diferent animals put together in the image of the chimera: the lion of poliyethic authority, the goat for business herd mentality authority amnd practice, and teh snakes tail for releyethic authority. Bellerophonwas all for and excited to help out.

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