Monday, July 1, 2013

update new rituals

we have begun teh next ritual creation of synthantic systems or panpantheon, the etegral systems that cause teh systems of god interact with creation and god godess godtha all inclusive. we started thursday as we finished and double locked the origin first ritual that is 18.6 billion years old aprox. note seal of history came down every 250 years the crunch teh date down it is 4 billiob years after christ. well and 13 years, annal school calls its histories cosnpiracy, 500 years ad 2 one billion, last epoch started old refrence date 710 ad with hethant teh first unamed by a seperate feast day saint, he is listed with buearcrates. this last panpantheon is 2.7-9 billion years old to this date and ends with true dating year by year since 1750 as annal and others claim, recall universe is not as hebrews formed use to claim 5 thousand years old too coding was done to make it look short enough to study, we unlocked it, chrsit panpantheon starts next year but ranges 2.8--15 bc, we use axe for new date on terran ks zero is cosmix time which will not be crunched up again excpet in open side code, refrenced as it will be on terran and all earths from now on celestial governement decree other planets follewing suit , dictatat is unanimous by cosmic leads it has begun its teh time to do it that remains. focus this ritual kaz victory at takios mohamed and so forth middle ages bizantum. theoty is the diety tile for all [eace till next week

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