Thursday, July 11, 2013

Molten Led Spears

The Solution Again the gods came to Bellerophon's aid, suggesting that a lump of lead affixed to the end of the spear would have a decidedly deadly effect. Firstly, when thrust into the monster's maw, it would cause the Chimaera to gag. And secondly, when melted by the beast's fiery breath, it would trickle down into its innards and cause a fatal case of heartburn. The gods came to Bellerothons rescue offering the idea of a lead tipped spear to kill teh chimera, really a peice of led at the front of teh spear would suffice. when teh spear is thrusted into the maw ( mouth or breast) it will cause teh beast to gag, loss its footing, then its fierce breath, its power of authority will melt th e led and cause the beast to die of heart burn. meaning: The led is a heavy base grounded metal, the weapon of choice must be grounded though flying on the wings of the pegasus that represents teh combined higher thinking of teh ancient hellenists. the ideas will be growled at, they will spit fire roaring against them, but the ideas will be grounded, heavier than the foundations the beast uses, but of the same stuff. once thier authority, rage and fire melts the well founded heavy and lofty ideas, it will kill them, for by digesting them as thier melt they will realise the ideas bore through them, were better grounded than them. so the attack was from above using the pegasis and from below, grounded to gop lower than them to souround them, so it would fall like a molten led zepplin down on them. Thus with heavy ideas formed win unisen with teh lofty pegasean ideas bellerothon should be able to rid teh city of this old political structure as he ushers in teh new witha new regime and social structure bellerothon is the keeper of teh epoch change, teh master of its progresser, teh securer of its coming, and thus represents the new epoch based on teh change he was part of and helped insue. from

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