Thursday, July 11, 2013

update concerning the devinic panpantheon

Today is teh last day of the templa courses, teh devenic sections of teh planet , its epoch is from st takios maratha and teh byzantines just before, 710 old crunched time code really 2.9 billion years ago, recall christ was 4 billion ago, the last 250 years since 1750 is properly dated its 4 billion 13 axe or ad. Axe is teh new one the closing ceremonies are tommorow. we are in teh district devinites as they call it in which Kaz victoria and Kas peter teh great were diefied, yes even meratha in a diferent sequence of evenst was diefied there, teh former sub continent and hinda and now teh new continent of tradetha which is split from teh mainland due to an earthquake last march theoties we all are bless teh devinnic unity symbatic one always. p4eace UQS QUS. all welcomed, be good submit to all the principals of god free willed always through teh someone and be declared everythings from a theoty to a diety, to a god to a christ though teh christ thing is next year. tll next week

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