Monday, June 24, 2013

first rilegethic system inserted

the yethetic ritual is done, we have bbeen crunching code and analysis teh sytem the belogogic input board closes today, then program grabsna d updates will occure as they did in each ritual this was maetic logical the parthoen was gramatical or l;inial logic, the godion grathetic meta logic each contained the other and each took off in its own way next we will be doing the drathetic ritual that spans teh last epoch prior to ks zero terran date 1998 june 6. in a few days, enjoy the pace!!! you are at teh foundatiosn of eth universe be good ieties even slaggers will eventually be added its infinate and for pepetuating capabl;e of upgrading and obeying teh same rules as it is a god system information cube downloaded and transered, actuate enjoy program run

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