Sunday, June 16, 2013

epoch and ages

So we are continueing with the drathara ritual and placing teh foundatuions of the universe in the very first religion. in my universe which is 18.4 billion terran years old it6 billion ks it represented the first 12,4 terran billion years then the pratheta or patrthenon is the next 2 billion years then cronos de then do then od then dewn the first cronos by that name all zues as fathers were called cronos or the crown to the panthen deon the first 14.2 just before anmd during the first great cosmic war jupiter was 11.8 billion old ( dionab and diathetha of this ages) deo 9.4 billion oden 10.9 billion dio the tumbled top realise and know umantity 9.2 zeth 9.0 zethrata 8.8 zethrant 8.7 lastly zethranta last zeth 8.3 ( zandra of same ages) eracles 8.18 hercules 6,8 macethetha- bretha zoraster 5.4 3,5 billion profets like moses age ends with crist or st takias the prethe protheta ( middle east aslam orthic christs) neara the rationalist empirical knowledgable age of information 900 ad with st takias. sel;f achievement di as in de or the is fist dyeus ( thuird ones first used name) nowe we use daes dio valandy still same or deas valandi try first one but we are homo daes age of info ends in 98 o ks now us diefet Q q is the devil and god, in charge of q continnuum named after him. we are q mimicked after the someone. all this ritual called dieties in merathadivine diety god and divine diety goddess was of gods domain they are also god and godesss in prathetha it was god as god and god as godess always equal go as the god of fun inciting godess name gives one powers through them use both or engendered term godtha or engedertive godthadesssa same takes gender role in sentence next to noun based on its gender gotha engedered though same in all encompasing each contains the other and always the gods god and goddess equally though the someoner by merit iof hierchy is kast word if arguement and necesaty merits it the somebody is equally numberone with thetic authority as the godz akk equakls by merit abnsd authority standards and prerequisits yes the hierchy of the hrithethea are in heaven too power is based on self merit and aceess by merit of ranking all socially equal and have a vote. krithethean structure perminant agreed upon by gods all rights and so on. no arguements if yopu know divine essencial oneness we real gods move as one without fighting up here which is now the ground too till next week.

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