Monday, June 24, 2013

Chimeras and epoch changes

The Challenge Not wishing to sugarcoat the challenge, the king went on to describe the Chimaera as a fire-breathing monster directly related to Heracles' nemesis the many-headed Hydra, and Cerberus, watchdog of Hades. The Chimaera had a lion's front, a goat's middle and a snake's tail (or, in some alternative versions of the myth, the heads of these three beasts with some admixture of body parts). In any case, it was truly ferocious. Here teh chimera is described as being teh offspring of ceberus teh multiheaded dog of hades and the hydra that fought hercules. it had a lion's front, a goat's middle and a snake's tail. Some say it had a head equal to teh animals that made it up. recall teh hydra was apeople and we covered this with the ehrcules tael we anylised, see earlier part of teh blog. The goat is a symbol of satyrs and other goat herders, teh tail was of a snake and like teh interpretation we made of medusa represents reliyethics and mayek. circles na dcovens and covenants. large ones are large reliyethic small ones small circles= so forth and so on. Snakes are powerful, from teh kriethic bible hold teh sanles above yourself, your power towrds and through god m goddess and godtham godessa is teh trathic voice of godtha each includes the otehr and god and godess the gods and as peak holes that have less power and acess based on merit prerequists pke and so on those working towrds immortality stay good you are always blessed. Now is teh chimera diferent tribes or astructure of society that needs to change. The lion is teh face of teh old authority, teh goats the first indistry that still holds sway, rgw snake teh priests try this one teh lion teh old authority, the goat the herd of teh common people , business. and the snake tale teh rpeist and power wise ones. recall teh christ tale that a feast was set, like bellerothons, gfeasting on ideas not just food the servant went out as instructed by teh lord to invite people to it teh herders said they were too busy tending teh folks, these were teh business people, the shepards were to busy tending teh sheep these were the priests. The ;eaders were to busdy tending to politics tehir people, the authority represnted by teh lion. the master hearing no one wanted to come instructed teh servant to ask anyone in teh street to come but to wear virtue and goodness to the feast, anyoen caght breaking this rule will be arrested and imprisoned to purge them of this, once teh feast was full and no one else wanted to come teh doors to teh hall were closed and the army of God was ordered outr to burn the old city.l a story about epocj cjamged, teh feast is of ideasd and divien brace bellerothons was too. thus teh pass with teh new letter. thus the kazes wanted to cause a epoch change and get rid of teh old system and anaguarate a new system using bellerothon as thier champion. from

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