Sunday, August 4, 2013
growing wings with philosepheac gadflies
There's a story that Bellerophon got his revenge on Stheneboea by taking her for a ride on Pegasus and pushing her off. Be that as it may, the flying horse figured in the hero's own undoing. In later years, Bellerophon was so vain about what he had accomplished that he sought to join the Immortals in their heavenly abode. He was flying up to Mount Olympus when Zeus, angered at his presumption, sent a gadfly to sting Pegasus. The horse threw Bellerophon and he fell to the earth from a great height. For the rest of his days he roamed the land, lame and alone, for no mortal dared befriend him.
it was said that our heroe bellerophone had fun pushing Stheneboea off the [egasis, he took her for a ride and proved he had gained the wisdom of the horse himself and was able to over power his wife in an arguement, it also means that she needed to get her own pegasis which she did, by learning to fly om his, thus when he pushed her off his horse she had gained her own, he gave her flight as she gained her own wings, like a father or mother bird teaching a new bird to be free.
later bellerophone seeked his place in heaven as an immortal and angel. he believed , nit conceited but convinced, that he deserved to be an immortal in heaven. Flying to the hieghts of the heavens of mount olympus zues , godtha as zues, sent a gad fly to bite amnd wake him up, socrates refers to gad flies representing the philosophea that wakes one to phi;osophea and the way as he says to find ones way to stand where the gods do. see Plato's dialogue known as the Taneus. The pefasis threw him from pegasis back and our hero fell to earth, there he was cirsed to roam the lands of the living lame and alone beyond the regular relations with other mortal. sounds like a fallen angel who due to conciet fell, like satan or the devil. However the gad fly was the wisdom necessary to accomplish the task, and the wings of our hero as the wings of his wife must be thier own to become immortal, but the flight is metaphoroc and the wisdom is for those on earth, thus he was sent as a er a messenger to teach mortals, thus he was a teacher now not a simple learner, he became a leader amongst people. His wife on her own reached the same level, later but so true. Equal couplre, so Godtha as zues gave our hero a throne to teach and empower people to save them from thier evil, he was lame to these bad ways, he was at a top, and the top is a lonely plave esp until his wife caught up, he became a paradigm and shows that the place of gods or the kazdom is both inside and outside of us around us, its heaven if you are good and a kolisis if you are bad ( my dad;s saying nick, thomas gospel thee off is the first part about kazdom. As ma would say do good and it comes back at you twice over. I heard wizes use the same term much later.
this part of the hero legend is done
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