Tuesday, August 27, 2013
gothit selces
there are a few heroes and gods we have not examined yet in our pursuit to analyse the ancients.
Cadmus is one of teh heroes / gods who must be looked at in this quest task. He introduced language linear b to the grethatic hellenists, the other is jack and teh been stick, joseph was his original name, he is of the heroes, but a farmer poper. oddyseus was anable normal birth heroe, hercules of mated imaculate conception, christs of imaculate non sexual heroes, see only in this time but of the age of profits, before father was also teh avatar of eth gothits.(gods and goddesses)
now abstarction was the inbetween prof of it yet still teh fathers josephs seed who is related but not jack of teh beean stock
Lee Lawrie, Cadmus (1939). Library of Congress John Adams Building, Washington, D.C.
After his sister Europa had been carried off by Zeus from the shores of Phoenicia, Cadmus was sent out by his father to find her, and enjoined not to return without her. Unsuccessful in his search - or unwilling to go against Zeus - he came to Samothrace, the island sacred to the "Great Gods"[11] and the Kabeiroi, whose mysteries would be celebrated also at Thebes. Cadmus did not journey alone to Samothrace; he appeared with his "far-shining" mother Telephassa[12] in the company of his brother, who gave his name to the island of Thasos nearby. An identically composed trio had other names at Samothrace, according to Diodorus Siculus:[13] Elektra and her two sons, Dardanos and Eetion or Iasion. There was a fourth figure, Elektra's daughter, Harmonia,[14] whom Cadmus took away as a bride, as Zeus had abducted Europa.[15] The wedding was the first celebrated on Earth to which the gods brought gifts, according to Diodorus[16] and dined with Cadmus and his bride.[17]
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadmus
hercules had accomplishemnts katorthomas, 12 of them.
till next weeks poast.
gothit powers divine powers can be actualised through a gothic lock, use god goddess, godtha and godessestha or any name of god
gothit on, fitto of all names, is aother way so is commune with gothit.
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