Tuesday, August 27, 2013

psyhic update

psyhic update we have begun the dietus -deeth( h as in ee)festival. it includes great quests called task, adventure ideas and power meaning teh grace of merit actulised through teh propriaty of teh safeties of teh symbatic proncipals and laws of gothit ( the divine name of all by a neutral draw, godtha and godestha are included and included though one was drawn to nuetral from a god abstracted all inclusive and teh other from teh goddess abstracted all included. they are all equal;ly teh same. drawing a family name from teh mother or teh father or teh nuetral family estate name , a nuetral version of teh same family name still makes them equal. submission to teh principals of god through me solic powers are actuated by saying empower thebn closed by invoke use of soul up from psyche. psyhic powers of lot then alot, old whats of esp is soul unified through principals of fucus mind brain psyche all governed by perfect rpincipals based on it being teh soul, each soul is our divine self reflecting teh gothic self. always perfect to teh symbatic laws, each power must obey the principals or it does not work, it is never set into motion by teh divine self unify higher self , smiddle self, ego and even instict lower self with soul or pseehee, pshxee psyhy to acess, if not in iacccord with soul and symbatic principals it does not work, you have no power.

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