Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hoas means perfect form order

As the silent anamata rise to transcend the cool powerful fires of birtha nd sacrad life energy sets life in temporate paradiose as the enemies of life disasters reality set in mispations and lose. all things contain heos, in different aspects, all things have soul all things have energy yes spirit too all things are matter. all have soul and are part of Godessathas complete soul. hoas is opart of the perfect form of perfect forms from orwin based on the work currentsly done Godtha is a perfect form. but each form of goddesstha , which is fully included in godtha and viceversa, the engended parthita of the Goddesses and gods. Hoas means perfect form order, really spelled xaos cel;estial internation. Eavch form has a different order and set aspect of hoas, but like all of creation it is perfectly ordered in all perfect forms and form sets based on ranges spirit or sprit the substance of spirit which is perfectly good is not energy but is active and thus has energy this is true haos haos is the potential we have to form and originate , be teh source of creation, but only as good and order. kalamity ios aversive, go away chamanos laos. ;ost ones, lost as in losers, impotemnt ones oh 98% are wiped already we win thay are notrhing before the power of teh good, they break like twiges to the heavy foot of the jusdgement of Godessetha. whrre are they now hathecan they lost few remain as the fires of our righteousness beat them into oblivion none will remain we will triumph and destroy, erase frome xistance even their most minor existance who, no one will remain to remember they seal power its sealed forever wow they lost nothing not even the potentiomn to exist my Goddezss never let you exist praise yopu goddess I love you praise the godz and God. paimn means sensation excrucuating pain is nit desired, the pain of a sift touch of a towel is welvcomed in its proper space and time. I feel for you se paino. anyone trying to disobey the rules of sensation trying to cause feeling and sensations undersired is impotent, averted gfeelings do not comntact go away losers. tans are not war paints, no colour xists , base dciomplexion tans due to sunn and undyed oils. no more men now called mi, wemen are min equal but reverse praise god ratha for suggesting it from the someones ideas of men as nim and women as mim, min is better for women peace pand praise may goddess be with us all./ ps catching fire means being energised and being contageous like a fire , being heated means eenergy, not heat as in warm.

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