Sunday, August 4, 2013

more of an update-godtha explanation

the world has changed much, new lands old ones washed away during the earth quakea. many new lands as ikd ines were washed by the earthquakem 80% of former germany for instance sank, too many racists clasiming to racism vased on it, same with south forme africa all gone. we are wiping people friends racism, colour war painting skin, and the racism connected to it is being wiped out, never existed, godtha never allowed it to exist Massegenism and those who biother us wipped many erased without a birth or existance were wiped during this messege writing praise Godtha Fodtha is the engened name of god and goddess. its like the gof it has its own face and when you say the giv did what to you, who in it, sometimes its its face sometimes a god or goddess. we are dirming a new epoch and all that stood against the good of godthas rules, same as we were taught frim birth , is wiped, let no charleenton tell you the relugethics did not teach well, they said we believe in dating a false teachers who lied saying they prohinited marriage and love making never existed bad athiest who insult and hurt people viaky never exusted. all good submit to god throw the someone and you will find you existed otherwise who cares non exstants do not matter peace till later

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