Tuesday, September 3, 2013

conclusion of deetus actuating

yje final stages of the deetus ritual is now un irder. it closes monday extended to tuesday though some people are in temporal dimentions equal to the days they have toill leaving. everyone is going to didactory or has finished equavelency upgtade universal celestial standard, a brethera or brethat use to be called a bachelor 3 years. base logic , study methods to basics in reserch theses makes everyone taking them equal esp since streaming has everyone from unidiversity to coyats take tehse cpirses at teh unidiversity level. Equally smart abnd unde4rstanding, with the basics to make sence of teh whole world, coyats as before but now known are through teh charter of teh ynidiversity and thus are part of teh overal multidivergance grada higher education system now manditory till year three brethat. new system up year two. yes even corespondance with some class attendance, one or two weekends for in class practicals was offered to ease people with working schedules,ost skilled labour finished this summer, 72 percent of terran is done as it took only five courses since september at most to upgrade the skilled people who often had two year certificates or a na already. all bredth requirements are being completed, including upgrade grade and hefeth( high school) ed in a half course semester, its fun but everyone is equal even ayt these levels, first universal upgrade next year we will be doing teh di ritual, like all panpatheons its being dinted and clipped for teh next. Di val here, but I will have another title during it the someone is Dio god and teh somebody di godess, but you are all hods and goddesses. [eace stay good

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