Saturday, September 14, 2013

nore cadmus to perouse

would have posted ear;ier this week but site would not let me, fixed now it sdeems nore cadmus to perouse Cadmus (CAD-mus) Phoenician founder of Thebes, brother of Europa. Cadmus went looking for his sister when she was carried off by Zeus in the form of a bull. The Oracle of Delphi told him to abandon the search. Instead he was to venture forth until he should meet a cow, to follow this cow wherever it should lead and found a city upon the spot where it lay down. Cadmus populated his new city by sowing dragon teeth which sprouted into warriors. Cadmus taught them the alphabet, which he had brought from Phoenicia. The Greek alphabet historically derives from the land of the Phoenicians, mythologically the home of Cadmus and Europa. (zoom) from Cadmus, the founder of Thebes Cadmus is known as the founder and the first king of Thebes, a powerful town in the ancient times, close to Athens. He is also known as the man who brough the writing and the alphabet from the Phoenicians to the Greeks, and through the Greeks to the whole world. According to mythology, his life was long and adventurous. Everything started when his sister was abducted by Zeus, the chief of the gods. That is when he left his country to look for her. Although he probably didn't find her at the end, the Fates had planned a great life for him. Looking of his sister Cadmus was the son of Agenor, king of Tyre, and his queen, Telephassa. He was also the brother of Europa, who was abducted by Zeus in the guise of a white bull. The chief of the gods had been seduced by the beauty of Europa, so he decided to kidnap her. One day, when Europa and her fellow nymphs were gathering flowers, Zeus came to her in the guise of a white bull. When Europa stepped on the bull to stroke him, the bull promptly ran off with Europa on his back and, swimming through the sea, he arrived in Crete where Europa realized that she had been abducted by none other than the chief god himself. To make a long story short, Europa gave birth to three sons from Zeus, married a local king and became the first queen of Crete. Europa was the apple of the eye of King Agenor and he was devastated at the news of his daughter's mysterious disappearance. He entrusted his four sons, Cadmus, Phoenix, Cilix and Thasus, with the mission to find Europa, charging them never to return without his beloved daughter. The queen Telephassa also accompanied her sons. They searched far and wide for Europa without getting any clue for her disappearance. Unable to find his sister, Phoenix gave up the quest and settled in a place which was said to have been later named Phoenicia after him. Europa's brothers Cilix and Thasus likewise gave up the search for their sister and settled in regions founding cities that were also named after them: Cilicia, in Asia Minor and Thassos, on a small island of the eastern Aegean. Founding a new town While his brothers dispersed in search of Europa, Cadmus along with his mother settled in Thrace where Telephassa soon died of grief at the loss of her daughter. After performing the last rites to his mother, Cadmus went on a pilgrimage to the oracle of Delphi to ask for his sister. The oracle advised him to give up the search for E

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