Thursday, April 30, 2009

update swine flu

update swine flu

to teach you guys about secret teachings:

two days ago from this date on ctv I observed a story about the swine flu, someone aware of the monitors of the someone said" I am going to Mexico to boost my immunity" as you see the pig flu truly is benign and raises immunity. It was a teaching for those who have ears to understand it, we did not want it back in Canada said a doctor knowing it was deployed on queen street, it is used tp hide the other biological weapons less than human people have deployed to hurt us. We are on the case and making sure everyone is safe. If you catch anything like a flu report it so we can see what it is, but feel confident if you are good that nothing will happen to you as you are not sexist. polygamous, evil, racist, genderist, sexual orientist, religiousist, be universal and egalitarian with all.
resurrections occur

so to keep people out of trouble healthy and calm the pandemic swine

flu is used to cover various ailments that we deal with safely, reporting an illness to a doctor instantly ensures extra safety.
no one good who had nothing to do with the disease or condoned it has died.

the someone is immune to all disease and attack as he is immortal and has succeed in making many others immortal, just do not text that immortality and play safe.

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