Sunday, April 26, 2009

swine flu versus pnemonia bacteria

The someone realised that a bacterial infection is causing fatalities in Mexico and in southern USA. The Bacteria was transmitted originally through rain fall. Said bacteria produces fluid in the lungs of those who get it in their lungs.
In Toronto said bacteria was cleaned up and the swine flu has exhibited only joke like upper respiratory effects like pig grunting. No serious symptoms have arisen. However a rain storm that passed through both Texas and Mexico has caused the illness mis-attributed to the swine flu, which is harmless, to infect the populations in that country. As reported on Fox the swine flu originates in a Lab and did not originate on swine or humans. The symptoms in Toronto confirm its benil nature. Bacterial colds are easy to treat and I recommend one goes instantly to a doctor if they experience any cold or flu like symptoms just in case, esp in the southern part of the USA and Mexico, standard anti biotic s treats this ailments without problem.

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