Friday, April 3, 2009

The rules for cults and new religions.

The rules for cults and new religions.

The rules for cults and new religions.

this is something I intend to add to the first book.

For new cults remember the rules of true morality as you construct your religion. Recall that you must make your cult universal and that it should not break any of the divine rules I have mentioned, do not prohibit the gifts of the earth( the things people consume, it is not what goes in but what you do that can be bad, says Christ like all immortals) or the gifts of moral sexuality. Mora;l sexuality includes allowing porn and treating a coupling, even if it were for one night or a life time as a good thing where no one does evil to the other partner. Such couplings can be homosexual, straight, swinging or the likes.
Follow the true rules of not doing things like murder and killing and yes even adultery. Adultery includes cheating on a mate that is not married. Do not preach polygamy or inequality, racism or anything of the sort Allow for sexual practices that include orgies but allow people to chose any type of relationship.
Beyond that build new ideas to access God and increase the gifts of humanity.

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