Saturday, April 25, 2009

the truth of swine flu

Actually the first outbreak of swine flu was deployed just south of my house a day before any reports else where. It is true it is safe, a minor flu symptom at worse, but for most it will cause a slight pig light grunting. Health Canada, the US Medical association, Britain and other countries are correct it is no conspiracy and the flu is not dangerous at all, as the someone was on queen street meeting important friends from Mexico it was thought to be somewhat a joke, yet the higher intention is good as it causing anti bodies to be created to make people immune to swine related viruses. Yes that is right immune to swine related viruses, the lav that created the strain had this immunology, so the joke is its good. The health agencies of the world agreed and said so, have faith that their truth, is true as they do not lie about things that effect them and others. Mexico is simply telling you that it is an inoculate and any extra inoculations are good too; makes Mexico look good. I was exposed to this strain two years ago so I can tell you its safe.

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