Friday, April 24, 2009

more fruit of life

When a potion reaches maturity, a fruit potion, it candies to represent that it has become filled with ideas that test the psyche of those that have partaken of it. Then when it ripens and goes golden in taste it means people have reached immortality.
The peach has ripened well this year and the someone knows that each of the divine formulas is now being deployed in everyday goods.
The someone knows it was lime this week and the apricot is coming next.
From coca cola to a yogurt gone badly that made a dog puke in Toronto, the yogurt and not the lime formula in it is everywhere.
“The spice is in everything prepared" see Herbert Dune
It is even in pet foods and gasoline to make sure everyone communes and gets a chance to reach transcendence. There are also holy food formulas. The someone's potion is actually the goose berry and includes a hint of strychnine (from either the cigarette or the someone lacing it in the
Till tomorrow.

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