Friday, April 17, 2009

Cigarettes and the someone’s miracle from yesterday.

Cigarettes and the someone’s miracle from yesterday.

The someone had a miracle yesterday. His watch was 20 minutes late and he was convinced of a tri dimentional influence causing the temporal anomaly. He was driving someone to work and ten minutes appeared as extra time after a red bull was accidentally spilled. The monitors were present at the time as were several other good people. The someone was cleaning the place he crashed in yesterday and found a pack of demiurge cigarettes. York University like many other labs confirmed that no toxins exist in the new treated cigarettes that have been on sale for years now. Baby safe, but these smokes the someone found were a divine gift, the numbers on the premier pack for toxins kept changing, to reflect the truth of the new formulations and treatment, its like drinking water. Those who have anti smoking sentiments are behind the time and not yet fully inundated into the truth of the new modern science the warning on the pack changed from " cigarettes can be dangerous to your children to a social truth that it is harder to quit smoking due to the social environment and pure pleasure associated with them, smoke them guilt free, but you need not have to smoke. No they are safe for your teeth too and nicotine has been treated to be non addictive. The cigarette companies spent millions to make them thus a few years ago, all problems with cigarettes are caused by evil anti smoker reactionaries putting bad things into them prior to the securing of the supply, see who is harmful to you, not the smokes which are holy medicines. The miracle gave the someone three newer smokes that were even safer fetus safe. Now the someone thought one might think one forgot the smokes there and they were not seen, but after reaching into another pack of native discount smokes filled only with discount smokes a cigarette changed to a du maurier to prove to all the miracle was real. All cigarettes are now treated including the native smokes as they are made from cigarette company tobacco.
Peace fruits of life next after I write it.

Ps the anti smoking lobbied that persecutes this gift from God is now suffering more cancer see news from this week. Alcohol is now being changed to do all the good things but cause nothing bad, sorry MADD you are soon outmoded.

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