Friday, May 1, 2009

Jump to trans-dimensional transcendence Hollywood style.

Jump to trans-dimensional transcendence Hollywood style.

just watched crank II, it replicates the divine program of jumping from Pluto to the sun, watch each the cranks energy uptakes they are jumps, including one that looks like sliders that enters the Japanese Komi and the twin parallel dimension in witch eve and the Chinese lilith or witch merge as they did in reality, the someone figured this out and it became a inspiration for the brilliant writer. Last week the someone watched the haunting that taught him about necromancy Hollywood style, he had already become a necromancer prior to this in 2004 as he romanced the dead and became the avatar of death. The someone in a dream was told torque is crack, when you are cranked up, like on crank and the movie is a crank Valhalla program as the lead character Helios Chelios starts off being down loaded.
More in a second.

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