Friday, May 1, 2009

Transcendence and ways like crank the movie.

Transcendence and ways like crank the movie.

The someone has noticed that transcendence occurs based on a system of worlds that begin every two and a half year approximately, probably based the monitors and the world representatives that are part of the monitors that watch the somebody. It’s international. It usually begins with a police investigation and a world of police, it goes through government, spy and other levels including a spiritual and then actually religious and divine level, aliens cosmic astronaut level space levels and then a tour of the universe that includes the planets that are shown per jump on the movie crank, yes including the sun.
Jupiter is a energy shielded multi atmosphere planet and out whole planet is represented on it but at the edge you might fall off as it is raised to the level of our atmosphere, thus the source of the legend
See crank for a version of this transcendence.
Peace till next week.

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