Friday, May 29, 2009

Fooddown load codes-meals as potuons or magyeriky (magic making from greekm it means cooking)

food codes are written as down load codes that contain the ideas coded in them. The are as mentioned earlier in this blog the ideas embedded conveyed the ideas realised subliminally through the sense perceptions.
They are then coded and linked through real foods that convey the same scents. One can even use such codes and smells to unify a new chi or power from them, it called cooking and various codes are merged to create meal codes that are also coded to their physical partners.

Extoplasm allows one to eat and recall foods and other things consumed including formulas or codes mixed together( potions) Meals are potions.
One can use codes to create new foods meats plants stones fish elements universes and so on.
imagine a fish that has a beefy taste, imagine its skin when baked, add onions or other condiments.

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