Friday, July 29, 2016

viel almost done

A truly inspiring post, the Helen's are calling to the big guns.!!!
very different story than what people previous were able to understand of it, finally we are getting it, this book has various differing interpretation.  Re call parts of it was missing or not reproduced, usually the first three books due to not being able to understand the difference of the old Greeks, troy as the capital of Greece and the heles of continent Greece, troy is Helens but needs to understand it. Down with the old Greeks and troy is a Helen action and an attempt to justly bring peace and a new era of troy or unity between all Greeks or Helens.

I feel incredible and inspired, all healed, perfect, mond at 300%
npthing locked all back to sharp normal, body the same.

the vail for the dark city ends 8neth 30.  all adults will have finished at least a Brithit ( hmBA) preplacement and finishing school.    Everyone alive is now caught up to their grade level, all adults, such as teachers, Prothasads, law officials, and professionals, are now certified university alumni grades as of aug 30, sept 1 new year starts and everything will continue normally, we have upgraded, stronger, smarter m, faster:,da di da du da di dah.
peace good work, it will all become apart as you see they new level manifestly be.

till next week.

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