Friday, July 29, 2016

Iliad 2 a just leader's resolve




The voice divine confess'd the warlike maid,

Ulysses heard, nor uninspired obey'd:

Then meeting first Atrides, from his hand

Received the imperial sceptre of command.

Thus graced, attention and respect to gain,

He runs, he flies through all the Grecian train;

Each prince of name, or chief in arms approved,

He fired with praise, or with persuasion moved.

"Warriors like you, with strength and wisdom bless'd,

By brave examples should confirm the rest.

The monarch's will not yet reveal'd appears;

He tries our courage, but resents our fears.

The unwary Greeks his fury may provoke;

Not thus the king in secret council spoke.

Jove loves our chief, from Jove his honour springs,

Beware! for dreadful is the wrath of kings."

But if a clamorous vile plebeian rose,

Him with reproof he check'd or tamed with blows.

"Be still, thou slave, and to thy betters yield;

Unknown alike in council and in field!

Ye gods, what dastards would our host command!

Swept to the war, the lumber of a land.

Be silent, wretch, and think not here allow'd

That worst of tyrants, an usurping crowd.

To one sole monarch Jove commits the sway;

His are the laws, and him let all obey."86



---  the command was given to Ulysses as the scepter of command, the retreat is being done respectfully.  It seems that these ancient Greeks were aware of immortals in their midst, true avathans of the divine  They are one with the divine and the laws of Jove, the law judge face of Godthet,   The Greek commander is blessed so his command of the Greeks is required and desired as the lawful fulfilment of even the retreat.  Let providence and its pawns the immortals fight the just fight necessary to bring true justice as known to be the must to be by the Gods and divine providence, for all people including the Helens, the Greeks, the Trojan and all their allies.  Be this reward good or a punishment, it is better to let the divine decide as the Helens have fought justly against the allies of troy to no avail, thus they ask for divine advice as they retreat from the conflict disgraced in the field bit not in God’s eyes.  The call to justice for all is the proof of the noble heart that led them to where they were at the moment this these speeches were made.

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