Monday, July 11, 2016

lots was happening

the system is in final clean up, about 13 days ago baal wolf, the peace criket and the dathara, sounds like a lion, sounded to point out the war is truly over and we are now only in clean up.
we have destroyed strategies to undermine national security by orcs amd other degenerate non human races from around the world, humans do not use poisons, colour thier skin to affixiate, though actors have to make movies, just a costom on halloween.
non human kaos races have lost thier rights to be in our society and if any servive they will be put on reserves.
thier main glands due to habbit and nutrition is in teh back of the head, elfs elves and humans in the front, unlike humans kaos peoples get jealous and try to destroy the superior frontal lobe people, juman races include ordered people.

due to heth holes dug to aliviate earthquakes and people blowing big titan like bombs e in them, earth quakes have rocked teh world and entire areas have slid into the sea, lucky the dirty radiation with it.
all those who submitted have come hear, three countries were added though all learn the same languages the demestic is either greeki including teh greek middle eastern african oriental and so on
arayithic or english western euripeans and world, kanavea, slavo macidonean or northern greek balkan, southern mac like that of former yugoslavian was added to teh one before.  finally slavid masy like the central of rusia and northeorth eastern europe
some reports claim nothing else but part of fiormer canada remains, what happen completely remains to be assesed./
we won they are lunitics.
yes I felt my house shake safekly due to earthquakes, we are safe here, our fault line opens and does not brush on each other, whole shield are is stable and former ontarios, all good onwards

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