Monday, July 11, 2016

the divine more needed

Now nine long years of mighty Jove are run,
Since first the labours of this war begun:
Our cordage torn, decay'd our vessels lie,
And scarce insure the wretched power to fly.
Haste, then, for ever leave the Trojan wall!
Our weeping wives, our tender children call:
Love, duty, safety, summon us away,
'Tis nature's voice, and nature we obey,
Our shatter'd barks may yet transport us o'er,
Safe and inglorious, to our native shore.
Fly, Grecians, fly, your sails and oars employ,
And dream no more of heaven-defended Troy."
n  It seems troy has survived nine years of war, no spoils returned, Grecians flung to foreign shores, it does not seem that troy will fall with a siimle prayer or those who thought they fought it as the divine will of heaven.  It will take more to appease the gods and gain victory on earth and return home safe and triumphant.


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