Friday, July 29, 2016

Iliad 2 Retreat!!! Let teh divine deal with it.

Pallas obeys, and from Olympus' height

Swift to the ships precipitates her flight.

Ulysses, first in public cares, she found,

For prudent counsel like the gods renown'd:

Oppress'd with generous grief the hero stood,

Nor drew his sable vessels to the flood.

"And is it thus, divine Laertes' son,

Thus fly the Greeks (the martial maid begun),

Thus to their country bear their own disgrace,

And fame eternal leave to Priam's race?

Shall beauteous Helen still remain unfreed,

Still unrevenged, a thousand heroes bleed!

Haste, generous Ithacus! prevent the shame,

Recall your armies, and your chiefs reclaim.

Your own resistless eloquence employ,

And to the immortals trust the fall of Troy."


n  The retreat order came, by blessing of Goddess they declared.  Pallas announced it and the ships are now taking haste to return to continental Greece or the Macedonian western shores.  Macedoneans are the real continental or Epirus Greeks and yes both the slave and the Greek are the same language of the same people.  Unified it is still one language.  The Bueadatious Helen the Greek or the symbol of the Greek Helens are still hostage to the womb of injustice.  Leave the destruction of troy or better yet of the injustice to God and the immortals, the mortal failed, now it was time for the gods to show their justice.  Does this not mean the later battle is a game run in heaven, a contest between immortals to set things right?  Hercules, such as other immortals,  some thousands of years old appear in the Argos and at the battle of troy; are the Helens calling to immortals of the argos, of the golden fleece to bring the divine justice that must be manifested ,  Gothets’s jistice  brought to being as the gods desire it to bare and God bequeaths it the desired must.

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