Monday, July 11, 2016

system transutionm progressing normally

Ar rge end of zatha or summer the full system on education is caught up, the next two years are normal like schedules as teh stress of teh system is smoothing out.
not this chrysomas not the next but the next all done, \
all professionals except teaching staff all certified and done at teh end of next month. 
final transition from old university to new unidiversity system in progress . all the old over age to be in school wiill recieve also the old degfree as well as the new upgrade so all adults finished before new system atrted, high school or hefeth students are now in class too , starting unerth one jan 1 new acceptances will be only in multidivergent system.  the new students scheduled for old system are all now in university knows the new papers are more important but all adults can say the equalled teh syswtem as helped set off the new one.
next september new system is fully up including offices at upgraded old universities already part of teh new grada system.

all good to a new bright us.

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