Wednesday, July 24, 2013
more on seventh seal
So the seventh seal is broken, the divine made sure we spent enough time on the right planet to allow us to spead through the war.
yes we will catch up with the time later but synchronise time for many of if , esp the good is july 2013 end of.
all extra days for policery, july 28 tuesday , monday, sunday of the same numbver all retracted, done
anyone who did not learn during the sealing phase, the god approve of the last seal, approved get sealed, pke 7 and a submission to the divine through the someone a single bind to be free of all evil, no wayty to do any bad or screw upm now you fuck up you are erased from existance , never exusted and then the seal closes it, they wanted it that way, infidels and disbelievers, gappens every great seal, christ eliminated 7 groups us, billions
;ast time
pure victory to the coven of god
never attack thinking you would rather be erased than admit we like the someone are not gods.
true death reoccuring [roblem resserections claim
no legacy
nothing left behoimd
all thier systems do not exist
pure victory praise godtha
smile scum never exisred
admending istology
wiping them out forever permenant
this is this weekends posts/
Pegasus in concordance
More Triumphs
Iobates was still determined to do in his guest, so he now sent him to fight a fearsome neighboring tribe. When the hero won the fray with the help of Pegasus, Iobates forthwith dispatched him to fight the Amazons. And when these women warriors proved no match for the divinely aided Bellerophon, Iobates desperately laid a trap, sending his best soldiers to ambush the hero on his way home. They failed of course, so Iobates finally gave in to the inevitable, giving Bellerophon half his kingdom and his daughter's hand in marriage.
if one notices the chimera was sprung through out the kabds between kydia and corinth, thus these lands were of the social structure of the chimera.
the ruler Iobates still bent on eliminating the old life of the hero and raise him to the new status of a new epoch bring sent him to take care of tribes and systems adjacent to the lands of the chimera he was ckleaning. once again bellerophone triumphants and is sent to fight the amazons, he like all greats who unify all the peoples of thier time fought the amazons, proving he had reached the shores of the americas. the unity with the female worriors was easy and then Iobates pitted the hero against the best within the kinhgom to prove truly he was the best. the trap was the test competing of said demestic worriors. So the hero rose to ruler having half the kingdom and the marriage to the daughter that was to reinforce it and concrete the alliance and new conquerance.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
update on seals seventh
last week after many even through time attacvked us due to pantheonic rituals, the seventh seal was brokwen, they tried hurting gidtha through us, they failed, they had set dooms day devices, though up here to us gods one day can be abny length of time even a thousand, so its july 23013 but be;ow itas after the great earth quake, on terran proper on some planets we visted three days is two terran years all realtive its 2023 on terran
next seal alll unwanmted sealed anmd even erased , all protected sealed anmsd submited safe
down load explanation program Alpha for more info, just say it and think about it
ghost consumed by bellerone
the lead is representative of heavy words, weapons to cause soft entry but mel;t in thier own authority to destroy them from within, from being digested.
So Bellerophon trekked all the way from Lycia to Corinth, located the fountain of Peirene and found Pegasus sipping therefrom. Mounting up, the hero made a much speedier trip back to Lycia, swooped down on the Chimaera's lair and rammed home the secret weapon. And with a great, gasping groan of rage, the Chimaera gave up the ghost.
o from kyria to corinth our hero trecked to reach the treck length of the heart of the lands represented by the pegasis. the flying horse
was tied at the post at pieriene drinking from the sacred fountain. the fountain represents the waters clean and clear that are the representation of the blood of the peoples of the [pegasis, the waters of its wosdom
returning to lydia bel;l;erothon swooped from the hieght represented by the wisdom represented by the pegasis. the heavy grpunded soft heavy metal ideas sink through the chimera as it was digested,, its secret weapon attacking from above and effecting through the same body of the beast tyop the base of its being.the chimera with a groan gave up the spirit oof its people as a ghost.
meaning it surrendered to the hero and its spirit became comsuimed by him based on him appealing at every level to the wisdom he taught.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
update concerning the devinic panpantheon
Today is teh last day of the templa courses, teh devenic sections of teh planet , its epoch is from st takios maratha and teh byzantines just before, 710 old crunched time code
really 2.9 billion years ago, recall christ was 4 billion ago, the last 250 years since 1750 is properly dated
its 4 billion 13 axe or ad.
Axe is teh new one
the closing ceremonies are tommorow.
we are in teh district devinites as they call it in which Kaz victoria and Kas peter teh great were diefied, yes even meratha in a diferent sequence of evenst was diefied there,
teh former sub continent and hinda and now teh new continent of tradetha which is split from teh mainland due to an earthquake last march
theoties we all are
bless teh devinnic unity symbatic one always.
all welcomed, be good submit to all the principals of god free willed always through teh someone and be declared everythings from a theoty to a diety, to a god to a christ though teh christ thing is next year.
tll next week
Molten Led Spears
The Solution
Again the gods came to Bellerophon's aid, suggesting that a lump of lead affixed to the end of the spear would have a decidedly deadly effect. Firstly, when thrust into the monster's maw, it would cause the Chimaera to gag. And secondly, when melted by the beast's fiery breath, it would trickle down into its innards and cause a fatal case of heartburn.
The gods came to Bellerothons rescue offering the idea of a lead tipped spear to kill teh chimera, really a peice of led at the front of teh spear would suffice.
when teh spear is thrusted into the maw ( mouth or breast) it will cause teh beast to gag, loss its footing, then its fierce breath, its power of authority will melt th e led and cause the beast to die of heart burn.
meaning: The led is a heavy base grounded metal, the weapon of choice must be grounded though flying on the wings of the pegasus that represents teh combined higher thinking of teh ancient hellenists.
the ideas will be growled at, they will spit fire roaring against them, but the ideas will be grounded, heavier than the foundations the beast uses, but of the same stuff.
once thier authority, rage and fire melts the well founded heavy and lofty ideas, it will kill them, for by digesting them as thier melt they will realise the ideas bore through them, were better grounded than them.
so the attack was from above using the pegasis and from below, grounded to gop lower than them to souround them, so it would fall like a molten led zepplin down on them.
Thus with heavy ideas formed win unisen with teh lofty pegasean ideas bellerothon should be able to rid teh city of this old political structure as he ushers in teh new witha new regime and social structure
bellerothon is the keeper of teh epoch change, teh master of its progresser, teh securer of its coming, and thus represents the new epoch based on teh change he was part of and helped insue.
Bellerothons choice in weapons.
Clearly not just any sword or spear would do in fighting the Chimaera. For starters, a lance would be indispensable - the sort of spear best suited to fighting on horseback. And even a proper lance was no guarantee of victory over so substantial a foe.
Next our hero began to think about a weapon, though a lance would be thought of as prudent based on the fact that the Pegasus is a horse, it would not be the proper type of weapon to fight the chimera. In fact no sword has been able to fell the community of peoples who make up the stratification and society of said city on whole. One needs another typ-e of weapon when riding the wings of Pegasus.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
update on modern progress.
update on modern progress.
so we are continueing with the ritual of teh divinic theotee (theoty).
the drathetic results are excellent
people are able to view catch up on weekends as you are all in didactory minus the 74% who graduated this spring upgrading your education.
on wards as teh next system will be introduced at eth end of teh summer aug 17-19.
divinities of teh era of zues and teh twelve gods not to be mistake with the deon period of teh first cosmic war 2.9 billion years prior.
till next week.
athena argument of pegasis flight
athena argument of pegasis flight
Polyeidus suggested that Bellerophon spend the night in Athena's temple. In a dream, the goddess came to him and gave him a golden bridle. And in the morning Bellerophon found Pegasus drinking at the spring of Peirene and slipped the bridle over his head, rendering him tame and rideable. Thus once more, in manhood, Bellerophon sought out the Corinthian watering hole and his trusty mount, and as he did so he gave thought to the essential issue of armament.
Bellorothon was recommended to dwell for a while in the temple of atheena and teh divine wisdom she represents.
Polyeidus instructed the heroe and pointed him to the training he needed to reach a level of wisdom to say he could ride the pegasus , which is riden as a result of teh realisation of that wisdom. By representing the wisdom of the hellenists in a gashion worthy of saying riding it anmd flying with it, to new hieghts, at equal hieghts to what is necessary for representing it as its rider.
During the night of learning and worship at athena's templa, he recieved wisdom and a vision from the goddess , divine wisdom had him have an epithany, a bridal to handle the flying stead, it instantly tames the pegasis and teh wisdom and covent it represents.
the following mourning our hero found the pegasis drinking at teh springs of peirene which means purity. Its a place in delpheth. the harnest instantly tamed teh steed, teh vihecle of hellenic wisdom.
the harnest makes the wisdom ridable, thus teh harnest represents teh realisations of wisdom necessary to use teh knowledge and wisdom represented by teh winged horse. the harnest is part of eth argument that bridegs teh ride.
So to retrive the horse in manhood bellorone went to teh same corinthian watering hole and to bekon the retrival of teh steed he contemplated the essencial issue of arguemnt. thus teh harnest represented teh essencial issue of arguemnt necessary to utilise teh wisodm represented there in, to tame and ride it,
the arguemnts represent teh logic he used to understand and utilise the pegasis.
Monday, July 1, 2013
update new rituals
we have begun teh next ritual creation of synthantic systems or panpantheon, the etegral systems that cause teh systems of god interact with creation and god godess godtha all inclusive.
we started thursday as we finished and double locked the origin first ritual that is 18.6 billion years old aprox.
note seal of history came down
every 250 years the crunch teh date down it is 4 billiob years after christ. well and 13 years, annal school calls its histories cosnpiracy, 500 years ad 2 one billion, last epoch started old refrence date 710 ad with hethant teh first unamed by a seperate feast day saint, he is listed with buearcrates. this last panpantheon is 2.7-9 billion years old to this date and ends with true dating year by year since 1750 as annal and others claim, recall universe is not as hebrews formed use to claim 5 thousand years old too
coding was done to make it look short enough to study, we unlocked it, chrsit panpantheon starts next year but ranges 2.8--15 bc, we use axe for new date on terran ks zero is cosmix time which will not be crunched up again excpet in open side code, refrenced as it will be on terran and all earths from now on celestial governement decree other planets follewing suit , dictatat is unanimous by cosmic leads it has begun its teh time to do it that remains.
focus this ritual kaz victory at takios mohamed and so forth middle ages bizantum. theoty is the diety tile for all
[eace till next week
wings of wisdom
When Bellerophon was still a boy growing up in Corinth, he had yearned to ride the magic horse Pegasus, immortal offspring of the god Poseidon and the Gorgon Medusa. Pegasus was born when the hero Perseus cut off Medusa's head. Like everyone else, Bellerophon had been unable to so much as approach Pegasus. So he sought the advice of the seer Polyeidus.
As a boy our hero desired to ride the winged stead that was considered of mayek. It was an offspring of the god of the ocean and the goddess of the covens represented by teh snakes in her head, gaining the represntation of teh head is to have the authority of its representation as your provence. see earlier part of blog on Perseus. The pegasus was born when persues proved himself and people equal and got medussas head, thus the head and its authority became the birth of the wings it grants as it grew with persues' people. This is the new wings added to the boots persues recieved to fly through the lands north of him as if one of its own people, his ideas took flight, but the unity of th medusa with the grant of the divine father god of teh waters. the fifth emination avatart of posiedon was medusas husband, for real. Thier unity through the union of persues and his people lead to teh birth of the winged vihicle of the ideas of teh unified peoples. Our hero had no idea how to aproach the ideas and viheckle represnetd by the pegasus. Hwere does one start, few knew. so he went for advice, training and schooling from the wise seer seer Polyeidus. He would teach and advise him as to how he might aproach aquiring the right to be said to be a rider, a reprentative and user of the ideas, wisdom and legacy the pegasus represnts and this legacy and its authority is needed to beat teh chimera, as the ideas are so fat advanced and heavenly they will be like attcaks from abobve, like birds of prey
oh [s the firery breath of teh lion or dragon symbolically represnts teh powwer of its authority and power. ie the head of the chimera
Logistics Bellerothon air strikes
The Strategy
Word was that the Chimaera was virtually impregnable to any ground assault. Others had waded in on foot with spear or sword - to their eternal regret. There was even a rumor of a mounted Thessalian who had come up short in the encounter, his horse having been blasted out from under him by the Chimaera's fiery breath. With a keen sense of logistics, Bellerophon narrowed down his viable options to an attack either by air or sea. The latter course being out by virtue of the inland nature of the Chimaera's lair, he settled on the aerial option and immediately set out to procure himself a winged steed.
our hero had been told the beast was not assualtable by ground forces, policering and militating would not get rid of them. Many have attacked these social structures with swords and with spears, ( swords policering spears war represnted by image) and failed with eternal or long lasting regret as they failed by the beast lived. Uings his sence of logic, bellerothon realised that logistacakky a ground fight would not work, a sea attack would equally fail as the city and lairs of the beast was not near water. Here one cannot come in trading or sailing in to devour the beast. one can not sail around them and or approach them by ship which is a machine. the lion fries swords and spears, the gaots like mountains and crags not far flung export and import, its secluded in thiese groupps , by the nature of what it is. rge klair is inland, a insiders thing and that is its nature.
Bellerothon decided to try the air routem as a node of attack. So he went out to get himself a steed, a winged pegases, a vihecle that flies and a representation of teh vihicle of his ideas that need to take wings and do teh flying he needs to impress and deal with teh groups constituting the chimera. Bellorothon the hero needs teh wings of an angel wgose message is divine and powerful and whose deeds as attacks from above, heavenly empowered.
Bellerophon strategising chimera
The Campaign
Iobates was hoping to make good on his son-in-law's request to do away with Bellerophon, and he had hit upon the Chimaera as the ideal agent in expediting his young guest's demise. And while one might think that he would have made little of the Chimaera's dangers in order to instill a false sense of security, Iobates had sized up Bellerophon and deduced that he was a sucker for a challenge - the bigger the better. And in fact Bellerophon was pleased at the opportunity to elevate himself from mere postal-delivery person to authentic hero. He immediately began to plan his campaign of attack.
Iobates wishing to ensure the demise of the young hero as he had hit on his son in laws wife as the ideal agent, the ideal agent that would help him rise in statue from commoner capable of dilevering mail or working in a field, to a herp, for he was rising and this feat would lead him to greatness and teh demise of his old self. The ehro was excited and took instantly to strategising about what he would do to rid teh city of teh chimera, the kuz Iobates barely refered to the dangers the chimera might pose, though he might be aware of some of teh dangers, the character of these entrenched, elete reinforced, parts of teh city repressented by the diferent animals put together in the image of the chimera: the lion of poliyethic authority, the goat for business herd mentality authority amnd practice, and teh snakes tail for releyethic authority. Bellerophonwas all for and excited to help out.
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