Friday, May 4, 2012

Other places spaces as Continuums

Other places spaces as Continuums reality spaces and places represent places and spaces that are continuums or plains but do not continue from a root stem. In fact they are listed in continuuum stems but are not temporally contigent to the historic root trace. they are plains listed in continuum stems. dimentions like crata safe areas that are pass over like places that exist then remerge, if one does not branch a plain from them are considered part of the plain they are in and constituents of them for eklectoral syustem, or the celestial system. if you recall the adam individuation program persona, before becoming one with adam or the atomon one is a dimention of this universe other wise one becomes a plain which is a dimetioned in the shared plain but is a copyu of the universe enveloped fast as it uncrunches. all the electoral plains have been built to be administered from zero stem , thus outside of styems formed but still part of the cosmos or pan continuum, the reflection of them in other stems are reflective doubles whichj difer as the zero continuum is where the politics occur but people see the reflective doubles as part of the stem they are reflected on, but can not be interfered with.

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