Friday, May 18, 2012

trasfiguring eyes

Eyes there have been several devices we have policed and are removing as soon as possible that us different types of energy to keep peoples eyes from focusing. 99% of eye almenst are caused by such divices that p;lay off of teh higher sensitivity adults have . children often get use to or transfigure their eyes quicker. these divices are used around lights, computer centers, ambient machines or devices try to ruin eye sight everywhere. light reflecting or loght laser , shadow indycers. Some are ancient and many are modern devices. like light you get use to you can transfigure your eyes to no longer be bothered by them, its like getting use to staring into lava, such eyes are called grithic, your eyes feel like they are tugging gently when transfigured. I can look into a light bulb and see the detaikl on the filiment. They have used light lasers, lite light lasers to shine through wallls but reflect on glass, like glasses. looks dirty smugged but they are not, they ainm at tv sets, colours change, tint the someone has taught how to get use to teh enrhy he saus people are fearful to admit something is interfering with thier eye sight. I have seen road signs and traffic lights go innvisible. blank or show another colour when they are something else dangerous war tactic no the sun will not kill your vision, you can get refrathi eyes by transfiguring or getting use to the sun light, I can see details concernming. light laser shows can also cause double vision that can be stopped by reseting the eyes and getting use to teh light that pulls the retnas in diferent directions, some are old 3d programs that failed and are only used to attack people, be bold and let the eyes trasfigure are these machines are recovewred by the good side, us. \

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