Saturday, May 26, 2012

life giving planets

life giving planets ok a lwesson needy of reiterating the universe once thought by many on thier planets and spaces was vieled so people would stay in thier places and try to design peaceful co existances from home rather than taking thier primative war like social values to other planets and spaces to add problems to them. the universe or cosmos hid the truth concerning the ;ife abundance that dictates all plaCES. AS A PLANET GETS COLDER THE CHEMS ON IT CREATE WARMING CHEMS LIKE BRITHENTA THAT KEEPS PEOPLE ON PLUTO WARM. OR TRAFENTA A COLLONG CHEM THAT COOLS MERCURY AND VALCAN , THELATTER BEING CLOSER TO THE SUN OR APOLIOS. so its a natural eventy to have xchenms form to cool a planeyt or warm it up to maintain the cionditions necessary for the ranges of life. the program odf the cosmos creates these planets as aliens and advance races do to produce this, for instance crethita a super cold warmer would come into existance if our sun went out, though based on how apolios was created it cabn never go out and is self perpetuating . [eace till tommorow

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