Saturday, May 19, 2012


[29] XXIX. TO BACCHUS [DIONYSOS] The Fumigation from Storax. Bacchus [Dionysos] I call, loud-sounding and divine, fanatic God, a two-fold shape is thine:\- -to the god storax the fanatical Thy various names and attributes I sing, O, first-born, thrice begotten, Bacchic king: -thrice beggotten, the only beggotten and part of the attributes of the the protogenas. born of divinme unity and as heros like Storax of cyprus, the glue the unified and solidified the water and blood between the gods, the solidity of wisdomborn of water and the sun of God. Bachic as in fertile force of procreation and gods labido or blodd and waters to procreate, like the waters of life or cum that becomes a solid being unified with the waters in the womens womb. Rural, ineffable, two-form'd, obscure, two-horn'd, with ivy crown'd, euion, pure. -0 pure eucarest euion pure unity of the two onesses of the god, the spirit,. the elder and the child. made of perfection as perfect as its state can currently be though they evolve, the waters of spirit made solid steros means dry or dry land. Bull-fac'd, and martial, bearer of the vine, endu'd with counsel prudent [Eubouleos] and divine: -divinely communicated too and through , the importat organising bearer of the fruits of the grape vne and stystems of God it glues together and inbetween. produent and wise in action and reaction, able to commune weith God(s) with. Triennial, whom the leaves of vines adorn, of Jove [Zeus] and Proserpine [Persephoneia], occultly born. -of the queen of death and its fruitas of enlightenment whose trinity and three part only begotten, the glue and underlieing substance of the divine and the faces of Jove and God, Deas. Immortal dæmon, hear my suppliant voice, give me in blameless plenty to rejoice; -impoertant servant and power demon of God giive me riches that are clean prosperity witrh out guilt or wrongly appropriation,, And listen gracious to my mystic pray'r, surrounded with thy choir of nurses fair. -the prayer linking is mystical and one us surrended by interfaces to all by way of the nosom that treat the blody blood of God(s). The body is made of water though our face shines of energy that nurse the body and drink the waters or milk of God(s) nurishing our way to proper prosperity Storax - World News -Pausanias 9.22.1-2 Libations Wine, oil, water, or honey would all be appropriate, classical libations to the gods. Incense Styrax (AKA Storax, Styrax benzoin or ... Storax - Topical Bible The most common of these is liquid storax, a brown or gray semifluid substance of an agreeable .... 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Great Pirate Stories - Google Books Result Lewis French - 2010 - 656 pages "These gods and goddesses cannot help themselves. Until my old chief Storax of Cyprus took it into his head to sack Apollo's temple at Claros, because the god ... storax is the multi fold god of creation, the dry made out of water, not ice but congealed by the face of God. Bcghus the divine island or dianysus is the water of luife and solidity of God, the waters of the divine and its prodreation with verile bull strength. from The Sun of God | Flickr - Photo Sharing! 24 Aug 2006 – This photo belongs to !STORAX's photostream (3293) · Bianchini's Meridian · The Sun of God · Bianchini's Meridiana ...

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