Saturday, May 12, 2012

More continuum stem ideasstem

onstem one seventy sevn hianda pr energy ranking ranges the playetic dragons live in a plasmatic soup that they can form at will using shentic fields made of sepaerated or better yet , non formed particles that connect the unity of things throgh gethic or high thought energy. playng a stretegy game, talking about god, dreaming good things and high academic thought produce such energy, its the opposite opf thrulic energy that dranngs , energy beings with power, the drathic stem 401 two down one left use to form energy, you need both, they are not exclusive, to form matter into substance unity for the duration of teh thought or tethered into reality by way of permanate memory matrix point refered realities. thus knowing next to where I sleep always a trwee is then the plasma would be a tree next to anywhere I went to sleep, but I could locate the tree based on other programs or thoughts permanated thus a tree is always next to the center of the plain. a main trhought orientatyion is used to avoid conflict between thought, including agreement. so one level to the left is one nefentic unit range, one to the right one prtenthic unit, positive ranges based on unity cohesions , the left or negative is the same but negatiovely drawn. even new time incremented realities are sdegmented as one new unit along the plain branch, so a universe built last year is one less number than the one built now, new plains are added and increm,ented to the end of the sequence. the first dragon or empowrred energy beings, empowered by thier state and not grace of god, electric dragons natuirally can touch a electrical aplience and turn it on by grace of thier nature but not as attained divine grace, those are such dragons who have transcended to higher divinities. yes percephone is a virgin mary a forever virgion partrhena and mother of God, they all all, blessed be the goddessess who mate with us Gods and give borth together to divinity. till next week

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