Saturday, April 28, 2012

Quantuum Continuum stems further explained

So the extra dimentioned broken off based on time and history exist beyond the range of the 209 that draw origin from a same energyn substance and trafic being range type. some plains brannching from the same continuum turning point or diciest moment are part of the 209 plains. Psychic plains in 109 are numerous. historic plains are measured and added based on origin system and time segmentation in lateral forward time, meaning a plain broken off with the same pre conditions for forming are ordered as new left or right based on the time of thier creation.the [plains or universes beyond 210 to 940 claim origin from the first 210. some continuum stems have 1999s of plains, Many hiandas, levels pf organised preconditions consituting a concise level orientation difering from others. for instance graviton called ones in modern physics appear ten to one in stem 7 seven down or my universe, in hianda 8 one below its nine to one and gravitational forces although act under most conditions the same a hilium atom takes an extra 3.2 seconds to worle down to earth, same stem, diferent hianda.

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