Monday, April 23, 2012

mpre continuum science and Orpheus note

mpre continuum science and Orpheus note yes today is mONDAY THE SAME DATE AS YESTERDAY SUNDAY FOR THOSE policing bad clerics of all religions. got a free pizza on friday acted out today as friday, same date talking to someone next to me who is getting new year wall pasper in 2010, the someone empowers ok if a new plain is branched from a stem root it is added to a new level appropriate to it alot of political brancj off and are added to hiandas like 128 based on the time of itrs actuation as slower the first nine stems are fully marked on diatic time and placed into order based on measurements of tahetha or science energy levels, up to 209 based on how they came into existance on their own and whenre they root from a stem root is drawing the root back to its origin plain it granches from spaces like reality existanvce plains are continnuums though they do not stem from the smae root. since existance is predicated based on on the ful;l range of all possible existants based on scie3nce and the psychic collective roots of the cosmos and the symbatic laws that govern all interation between people like conscent to all things by clear and full minded choice before anything can be done to you, no conscent no allowed, minus special rules like getting arrested for stealing which is another no no, God(s) ib all the ways that god can exist, come to exist infinitel;y and with equal reflection in finite creation, then all such possibility even by science exist, and are hard wired for insertion points to interrelate where existance self substanciates and posibilates the created existance it emoathic the proper existamnce otherwise what was not desired was an illution twisted so it looked worse than it was like no rape existed but attempts were policed as idiots thought god created a place that allowed it, yes conscetual hgames and courtships exist. now one sees why Orpheus saw the fluidity of the divine system that flows between everything and everyone. if you notice we have mentioned his ultimate mention of the divine programs and the waters that take the shape of the vessle promulgating them throughout till next week friday

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