Friday, April 27, 2012


[26] XXVI. TO THE MOTHER OF THE GODS [METER THEON] The Fumigation from a Variety of Odoriferous Substances. Mother of Gods [Meter Theon], great nurse of all, draw near, divinely honor'd, and regard my pray'r: -this is the theotokos, ever virgin and nmother pof[ of God it is Gopddess. she nurses and nurtures all.divinely respected and prayed to Thron'd on a car, by lions drawn along, by bull-destroying lions, swift and strong, -ridding a car of wisdom ferocious like a lion capable of disolving the bull headed anmd what thought it had power without her. Thou sway'st the sceptre of the pole divine, and the world's middle seat, much-fam'd, is thine. -in her and from her much has been formed and manifested the keeper of the divine pole or that which draws it out and represents its authority. She is the middle or belt like christs call the theotokos. Hence earth is thine, and needy mortals share their constant food, from thy protecting care: -your nutrients and perovidence feeds minds and souls of mortals. From thee at first both Gods and men arose; from thee, the sea and ev'ry river flows. -from you the wisdom waters of enlightenment comwe, the waters the hyrathant, former hebrew call the waters the face of god sits over, the mother of God and source of all divinity/ Vesta [Hestia], and source of good, thy name we find to mortal men rejoicing to be kind; -the source of good and light as the yin to the yang, the mary that means mertgh for all. For ev'ry good to give, thy soul delights; come, mighty pow'r, propitious to our rites, -come rejoice in the pieous ritual we partake in. All-taming, blessed, Phrygian saviour, come, Saturn's [Kronos'] great queen, rejoicing in the drum. queen of cronos and avatar os rhea. taming and civilising all as the phrygians of thrace where orphius was from knew. Celestial, ancient, life-supporting maid, fanatic Goddess, give thy suppliant aid; celestial, cosmic life sopporting and needed to exist, fanatical in all good that is done. With joyful aspect on our incense shine, and, pleas'd, accept the sacrifice divine. with blessing we sacrifice devoution to you.

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