Sunday, April 22, 2012

continuum stems and science

continuum stems and science so the judgement continues ok so there are 209 continuum stems that begin from a independent beginning even if that origin that once created , even through all the other stems, does perpetuate a universe, stem 210 to 940 claim origin beginings as ground sourced from the first 209 stems or stems that are created from the first 209. My origin universe stem seven seven down two to the leftm two to the left represebnts two curved energy output and spin range capacity, or the actuation energy self entailed in the system causing more change, two to the left is two negative factors or units of energy that causes the universe to evolve and have things happen, seven middle is slower the hiandas or levels of energy self entailed as broad width ranges also effect the speed of change, stem 7 one down is much slower than 7 4 down. seven down middle is slower than seven down one left or right. the existance of certain energies encompass all ranges or what can exist to start a universe or create one based on another already exists, what cannot exist does not, the universes exist based on ranges where interacting and related energioesm, meta substances like spirits such as generic energy that multilies tne theric energy that allows for substance energy shifts in basic physics, can create a universe, so when tenthic energy is a range of 32 metelic unitis and 830 metelic units the existance of truthic energy or spicing solid unit mmolecular strong force energy ( senergy)disemboweled can create a molecule, at other ranges you need benthic energy to recalibrate the theric energy back into a range that allows for a molecule to exists, thus is all mixtures and combination of energies exists and each is a stem representing the ranges and combos that allow these to create an existing space or universe then existance is self entailed by the tautology of existance as a required prerequisite to allow for the contemp-lation of exorbitance to begin with. thus all ranges and combinations of exist ants exist in the ranges of existences that can be in the way they are and energies, substance and meta modus , like globulars, that cause them to exist do exist in the combinations that allow that existance to exist, yes my plain ( universe) inserted trabetic energy that is a wave energy time sprita flux energy ( sprita is a type is spirit matter, another state of matter and being, matter energy and sprita, globulars are sprita and matter energy beings, energy beings we also call tentha state beings.) this wave energy helped form tha the p0laces of tenthenic insertion energy that helped build my universe. we added a day in the time tratha one to police wayworth priests clerics and those who try to save the old religious ways cause they are corrupt. today should be saturday at worsem really so I will post again tommorow

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