Sunday, April 15, 2012



The Fumigation from every kind of Seed, except Beans and Aromatics.
O Goddess, Earth, of Gods and men the source, endu'd with fertile, all destroying force;

-to the earth as collective God who created people and gods. Endowed with fertility, all destroying or changing force.

All-parent, bounding, whose prolific pow'rs, produce a store of beauteous fruits and flow'rs,

- source of being as in matter producing fruit and other divine products

All-various maid, th' eternal world's strong base immortal, blessed, crown'd with ev'ry grace;

-the craetor of immortality of various keepers, crowns of all hraces.

From whose wide womb, as from an endless root, fruits, many-form'd, mature and grateful shoot.

- from the womb as endless source capable of spawning forms of all kind always

Deep bosom'd, blessed, pleas'd with grassy plains, sweet to the smell, and with prolific rains.

- of deep buturing bosom, loving and fertile, grass covered sweat odoured of santly costom, with fertile life giving rain.

All flow'ry dæmon, centre of the world, around thy orb, the beauteous stars are hurl'd

-the stars riegn around you, your powers also demonic and the center of all worlds as matter, of all earths.

With rapid whirl, eternal and divine, whose frames with matchless skill and wisdom shine.

- of a quick turn eternal and divine as the world spins , science known, of skills and wisdom divine and endless source of the wisdom concerning matter.

Come, blessed Goddess, listen to my pray'r, and make increase of fruits thy constant care;

- hear opur prayer and make more fruit and be produced.

With fertile Seasons [Horai] in thy train, draw near, and with propitious mind thy suppliant hear.

- bring a fruitful age and season, in the train of events with suppliant from us and you bring a mind brilliant and productive.

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