Saturday, January 14, 2012

Rhea mother goddess

Rhea mother goddess

one can also note that prometheus is an avatar of cronos.


The Fumigation from Aromatics.
Daughter of great Protogonus, divine, illustrious Rhea, to my pray'r incline,
Who driv'st thy holy car with speed along, drawn by fierce lions, terrible and strong.
Mother of Jove [Zeus], whose mighty arm can wield th' avenging bolt, and shake the dreadful shield.
Drum-beating, frantic, of a splendid mien, brass-sounding, honor'd, Saturn's [Kronos'] blessed queen.
Thou joy'st in mountains and tumultuous fight, and mankind's horrid howlings, thee delight.
War's parent, mighty, of majestic frame, deceitful saviour, liberating dame.
Mother of Gods and men, from whom the earth [Gaia] and lofty heav'ns [Ouranos] derive their glorious birth;
Th' ætherial gales, the deeply spreading sea goddess ærial form'd, proceed from thee.
Come, pleas'd with wand'rings, blessed and divine, with peace attended on our labours shine;
Bring rich abundance, and wherever found drive dire disease, to earth's remotest bound.

here the protegenus is the source of rhea the Godess, she a mother, she is divine, she is powerful and a daughter of God as well as god as goddess.
as with the sun, she has a car or wisdom drawn with ferocity and the power of regal, fierce, lions. the lions are symbols of power.
she is the mother of zues or jove who is a face of god as judge and also father, who shakes the shields of the dreaded bad who find no way to hide from the bolts of justice. thus rhea here is an elder or grandmother to the children of zues. she beats the drums of programs songs time walking who is her husband cronos and this queens king. she is strong and just and is not turned from justice by the cries of unjust people.she is on mountains in valleys and everywhere. blesses the good and just in battles that are just and meant to bring peace. she is the source of war as the source of things people fight over, her mighty frame or program brings liberty and peace to teh good and the peace keepers who fight to sucure and maintain it. she is the mother Goddess and source of heavens and earth(s) from mount Olympus where all shine olym- all bos- shine. she is the liberating dame or owner of the house hold, the one who manages it, a dama, or dame a godess or noble divine one. she is the waters that the face of god as cronos hovers over, source of the birth of the wind and the ethiric waters and air of creation or vouth source accessed as God(s) accessing GOD. the goddess Ariel or angel mermaid from Venus, other places and all those who share teh name, presence and divinity source from her. Aroe; we beckon the goddess(es) with divinity to make themselves present and request based on our deeds in the world vicious people fight over to prove ourselves virtues by not doing vice. she comes with peace and brings people and the bounties of those things that are from the source created to be riches and bounties for teh good and virtuous, christ(s) , of the universe, the divine ones.

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